Small Ecommerce Website
Ask McStuffies, PhD is a crafter who sells their handmade items at craft fairs and online. Their main offerings are crochet stuffed animals and dolls, but more recently they’ve branched ...

Redesign Proposal: LasPilitas.com
For my graduate-level information architecture course, I teamed up remotely with two classmates to complete a semester-long design proposal with several distinct components and deliverables, including content and business strategy, ...

Instructional Design: Excel Basics
In Spring 2020, the culminative effort of my Instructional Design (non-K12) course was an instructional design plan for a topic and audience of our choosing. At the time of selection ...

UX Evaluation & Prototyping: Yummly
For my graduate-level web usability course, I completed a solo project that explored a design problem and its possible solutions. I hypothesized that a key problem with recipe search experiences ...

Data-Driven Feature Generation: Earthquakes
Used USGS API to directly answer variety of query patterns looking for recent earthquake information. Recent earthquakes via USGS API with location-specific keywords and results https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=latest+earthquakes AskMy team, a UX/editorial ...
Competitive UX & Content: Knowledge Graphs
As part of an ongoing competitor parity initiative, I collaborated with product owners, designers, engineers, and others in the Search Editorial team to create new “knowledge graph”-type experiences and enhance ...