Food Blog Vegan MoFo

#VeganMoFo Day 29: Supper’s Destiny Is to Take Root Among the Stars

Not sure how you’d quantify “historical figure,” but to my mind, any person who is (1) influential and (2) no longer living fits, so my choice is the late sci-fi/fantasy author Octavia E. Butler.

I have no idea what she liked to eat. I’m not a scholar of her works, just a fan. Parable of the Sower is among my favorite books; its fictional religion, Earthseed, resonated with me while the dystopian future it comes out of feels disturbingly real and plausible. And while I doubt she’d actually be keen on eating something lifted from her writing, it was the place I was able to find inspiration: “The destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars.”


My interpretation of this as a meal: homemade five seed sourdough bread with roasted root vegetable soup (geddit? seed to root?? oh fine), with a garden saute to make it a meal. Simple, maybe, but healthy and garden-to-table – well, if I had a garden – something Lauren Olamina might’ve had in her Earthseed community.

Food Blog None Vegan MoFo

It started with a stalk of sprouts

I don’t usually like to get the stalks of brussels sprouts because the damn things already so much work to prep, but it called to me. I cradled it like a baby–a silent, green, nodule-covered, leafy baby. Mmm. And now you know too much about how my brain works.

So I prepared the brussels, starting with plucking all the sprouts off the stalk:

Then washed, trimmed, and sliced them all in half. This took a little over half an hour, as observed by watching an episode of The Meltdown with Jonah and Kumail. And…what next? Brussels are best roasted…need more veggies…how about the other half of the kari squash from the other day? And for color, those three purple potatoes that are probably still hiding in the fridge somewhere?

These colors don’t run. They get tender.

OK, sure. Good. But then? That isn’t a whole meal yet. Tempeh? Yeah, sure. Cast iron cooking. How about shallots? Definitely, throw those in there too. Needs a sauce (*points to blog name*) to tie it all together + make it not totally fricking bland. Tahini + hot sauce + apple cider vinegar + nutritional yeast, add water, shake it up.

Oh yeah. Pretty good.