For a while now, I’ve fiddled with the notion of offering my time and energy–for money, of course–to help people go vegan or at least incorporate more vegan food in their diet. Some people are intimidated by cooking; others by vegetable prep. Some simply don’t know where to begin or how to put the pieces together. I’m no dietitian or experienced chef, but I have been cooking since I was a kid, and I spend time every single day thinking about, making, and eating food. I love helping people, and some of my friends already ask me for cooking advice. Why not expand on that and see if it’s a way to make some cash?
Well, I’m not there yet. Though I did start a (free) mailing list/newsletter where I field cooking questions. It’s small for now. If you’re interested, I’d love to have you in the audience. Subscribe at Eat More Plants @
For the purposes of today’s prompt, however, I took a slightly different tack on the “eat more plants” business model and created a meal kit out of one of my go-to meals. Now, I’ve never actually gotten a meal kit–what’s the fun in that? Menu-planning and grocery shopping are basically my hobbies–but I can make up a recipe card. Why not? It’s an excuse to do a bunch of weird photo-editing and layout work, both of which I’m EXTREMELY RUSTY at. (And by “rusty,” I mean it was something I fiddled with in high school, which was almost 20 years ago. Some things have changed.)

Since I can’t actually make you a meal kit, I gotta tell you what to get so you can follow the instructions!
You will need:
- 1 bunch of kale
- salt
- 1 package of tofu
- soy sauce
- olive oil
- 1 cup of quinoa
- tahini
- hot sauce
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 lemon
- nutritional yeast
- water
- Saucepan with lid or rice cooker
- Saute pan or skillet with lid
- Baking dish
- Citrus reamer (or another way to strain out lemon seeds)
- Dressing shaker or a cup/small bowl and a whisk
- Measuring cups
- Spatula
- Spoon or rice paddle
- Tongs
- Knife
- Microplane zester or garlic press (optional, but very handy)
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