Saturdays are when I try to use up last week’s perishables before heading to my usual Sunday market. Today I had half a can of chickpeas loafing around my fridge, half a bunch of dill, and a lovely bunch of rainbow chard starting to wilt, so I went looking for something different to try. I landed in the basmati rice with chickpeas, chard, and dill from Veganomicon, which I’m pretty sure I never got around to baking until now. Maybe because I don’t usually have white rice? but I had exactly as much as I needed for this recipe, for some reason. It also makes good use of spices, lemons, onion, and shallots, which I have on hand as a rule.

Enjoyed with the last heirloom tomato from last week’s haul and a dollop of Kite Hill yogurt, it made for a satisfying dinner.