I ended up taking two days off of cooking once the month-long challenge was over. Beyond just being tired (not just from the blogging), my creative juices seemed pretty drained. But I thought it’d be fun to take a minute to reflect on the month.

Things I’d make again that I hadn’t made before:
- The spiced rice from the fusion challenge
- The cooked salsa with mushrooms and greens as a taco filling
- This mushroom pate that I made in honor of the autumn equinox
- That cherry tomato chutney made from all seasonal produce
- Putting tomatoes on an herby mushroom frittata, yes
- The entire menu that I pretended to cook for President Obama, it was that good
- Adding beets to a dinner I make all the time

Something that needs work:
- The leftover lentils lettuce wrap from dinner in the park – it was under-seasoned, but could have been great!

Posts I am surprised no one commented on, because I was ridiculously proud of them, or at least of the effort that went into producing them:
- I made INSANE RAMEN inspired by a super classic food dork movie! C’mon!
- This awesome roll-your-own Vietnamese fresh rolls platter! One of my favorite things ever.
- Either third time will be a charm or I should just give up on the idea of ever making vegan meringue for boccone dolce. But I hope you enjoyed reading about my spectacular failure as much as I did (in retrospect).

Also, fresh tortilla porn! Apparently everyone likes that. Tortillas for everyone! They are delicious, I get it.

Anyway, see you next year, fellow veg-heads.