I made this on a weeknight, after work, and without much planning ahead. So it cost… whatever we had on hand, which seems reasonably frugal.

And what did we have on hand? The rest of the “discolored” trumpet mushrooms. Some plum tomatoes. And flour. So… Fresh pasta, anyone?

It’s indulgent. It’s special. And if you bought it in the store, it’d cost you. But a couple cups of flour and an excuse to dig into the Cupboard of Neglected and Forgotten Kitchen Gadgets? NBD.

Working off some Crossroads Cookbook recipe inspo (but like, not actually following it, because it is too much), I tossed my trumpet mushrooms with shallots, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt & pepper and roasted it. Later I added some whole cherry tomatoes, just because.
I made a quick sauce with more shallot and the rest of my saucing tomatoes and some fresh thyme. And nooch. Always nooch. The pasta came out really nice and tender – probably won’t impress any Italian grandmothers, but I’m the descendant of various northern Europeans and I’m perfectly happy with it – and the roasted veggies had texture and punch.
It was cozy but special, you know? And what fancy food could beat that?
Okay, I wish I managed to plate it better, so it really read “fancy,” but fuck it.